What is the best way to treat hard water in Sacramento?

Dissolve Scale • Prevent New Scale • Inhibit Corrosion

Cutaway image of HALO 5 whole house water filtration system in greater Sacramento area.

HALO ION conditioners solve these problems by physically treating the water. No chemicals are added. Minerals are left in the water in their harmless conditioned state.

Hard Water Scale:

Scale (hard mineral formations) and corrosion deposits are made up of solids and sediments that collect on or in the distribution system piping, storage reservoirs and household plumbing. Hard water is a designation that means the total dissolved solids (TDS) count in the water is very high. Hard water build-up can result in restricted or reduced water flow, inefficiency or failure of water heaters, damage to fixtures, appliances, water using equipment and unsightly deposits throughout the house, including glassware, dishes and flatware.

Hard Water Corrosion:

In general, corrosion is the result of water with a low pH. Acidic waters have lots of H+ ions in the water to react with electrons at the cathode, so corrosion is enhanced. In contrast, water with a high pH (basic water) lowers the solubility of the calcium carbonate so that the calcium carbonate is more likely to precipitate out as scale. They form directly from the corroding metal pipe wall. The scale and corrosion deposits serve as sites for absorption or co-precipitation, as well as for mineral growth for certain contaminants such as arsenic, radium and vanadium.

No More Bags of Salt:

Nationally, the average water softener requires about 60 lbs. of salt per month, and softeners do not improve water quality. Additionally, self-regenerating water softeners discharge polluted water into the environment.  This saves you money and time.  For more information on the best ways to condition your water in the Sacramento, Folsom, Elk Grove or Rancho Cordova areas, please contact us today.

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